Saturday, October 26, 2013


What's the plan?  We had arrived at a tent city, which is home to about 1000 people, to deliver care packages.  Simple, yet important, FMSC food, socks, soap.  Narrow aisles, five at a time with a translator.  The volume increased, chaos began, and yet we pushed through trying to reach each tent in hopes of blessing families.  It was tense, chaotic and pushed many of us to the edge. The beginning of our day today.  It was an entire day experienced in less than an hour.  Overwhelming smells, body to body, uncertainty, yelling, pushing, fear, we pushed on.  And yet joy persevered in the midst of it all.  People were blessed, we were challenged, and it was only the first stop of the day. 

We headed home for a short stop before heading out for the rest of the day.  Before leaving we heard from Wilson, one of the Healing Haiti staff who translates and has in many ways been a hero to us all this week.  He shared with us his experience in the earthquake.  He was in school and had stepped out for a minute to get some water.  As he left the store, the water fell, the ground shook and his world changed forever.  He made it back to the school.  It had fallen, and almost everyone inside had died.  He returned home to check with his family to discover the bank his father was working in had collapsed and he had not survived.  And yet joy perseveres in Wilson as he serves and his love of God pours out for others. 

Off to Juno's orphanage we went.  I stood back in wonder as I took photos as our team left no child without arms of love around them.  Food was delivered, Children were embraced in arms of love, and smiles were shared.  And again in the midst of orphans and loss, joy persevered, we and the children were blessed, and Christ was in our midst.

We then made a stop at a very special memorial in Haiti.  We stopped at the Mass Graves where 200,000 unidentified bodies were brought for burial after the earthquake.  The memorial was simple, yet profound as the hills above held crosses in memory of those who had been lost.  Empty crosses just as Christ's stood.  An empty cross that will some day leave empty tombs and new life with no more suffering and loss.  A picture of hope as joy again pierces through.

And then, a short, yet special stop, filled with Joy.  We stopped by Maria's who we had met the day before in an Elder care visit.  103 years old and filled with life.  When we had asked her the day before what we could pray for, she prayed for coffee.  And so we had brought her coffee which led her to clap and dance with thankfulness. She is again a testimony of joy persevering as the love of Christ and the joy of the Lord explodes from her.  Never have I felt so close to heaven as I held her close and laughed with joy. 

And off to Grace Village to load 60 more boxes of Feed My Starving Children food and more orphanages to deliver.  Three more stops throughout the afternoon filled with hugs, food, beautiful orphans, and love abounding. I watched in awe as kids were loved, laughter and music was shared, tears were shed, food was delivered, hearts were broken open, and the presence and face of Christ were richly in our midst.  JOY was at our feet and in our hearts!  A joy that cannot be stolen.  A joy that is eternal.  A joy that changes lives, opens hearts, and leaves you in wonder.

We ended our day in devotion, prayer, and great laughter.  Sharing once again the joy that can never be shaken in the presence of Christ.  A joy that comes in community, love, hugs, tears, laughter, and the Lord in our midst.  Thank you Father for these good people and the joy that flows from them.  The darkness has been pierced!  JOY PERSEVERES!



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