Sunday, November 8, 2015

Forever Changed

This morning started with another beautiful sunrise, and a nice breeze.  Each of us took some moments for quiet devotion time, coffee, and quiet conversation outdoors.  The beautiful ladies who take care of us while we are here made us another delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, avocado, pancakes, fresh veggie filled scrambled eggs, and oatmeal.  

With our bellies filled we took some time for fellowship and changing into nice clothes for church.  At around 10 AM, we climbed into the tap tap for our ride to Port-au-Prince Fellowship church.  This is a church and school that opens its doors on Sunday mornings for the community, missionaries, ex-patriots, and others.  After church we took the tap tap up the mountain for some shopping.  This was a two way, winding road where the artisans displayed their wares right along the side of the narrow road.  Some of these people’s homes were attached to their shops where they sold metal works, jewelry, painted art, and woodwork.  Our first shopping stop led up hill to a rooftop viewing area where some of us gathered to enjoy the views.  We saw the valley, mountain, and thousands of homes stacked into the mountain side.  Our next stop was near the top of the mountain.  We got out at a local restaurant that overlooked the entire city of Port-au-Prince.  The restaurant had a spectacular view of the Caribbean, Cite Soleil, shipping port, cemetery, airport, downtown, and everything in between!  We gathered for a group photo and then separated  into “shoppers” and “diners”.  A few shopped for more trinkets and art, while the rest rested with a cold beverage or treat.  

The day was finished with the usual activities of an evening meal shared together, “word of the day”, conversations, and evening devotions.  Today has been a chance for all of us to begin our transition back to our homes in the US.  We have spent six days in sensory overload.  There has been so much to see, smell, touch, taste, and hear that many of us are finding it difficult to process in a short period of time.  We wasted no time starting our Haiti journey that first day by visiting some of God's most precious children.  Each day continued to be filled with visits to children, elders, community, organizations, and schools.  A life-changing week for us is coming to an end.  The challenge now will be how we put changes into action.

Seventeen people began this trip as almost strangers.  Seventeen people will return to the US tomorrow as friends.  Friends forever bonded because of the shared love of Christ and beautiful memories of Haiti.  Friends whose hearts and souls are overflowing with God’s grace, love, and hope.  Friends forever changed because they have experienced a little piece of paradise this side of heaven.  That paradise is Haiti.

Claudia Wiebold, Emily Schwieters, and Ramona Jacobsen

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