Saturday, September 21, 2013

VBS Haitian Style by Teri Engle

VBS in Creole

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had the opportunity to run VBS for 54 orphans at Grace Village today. The children don't start school until October 1st and eagerly engaged in our activities. We shared the story of creation and it was translated in Creole. The children became even more alert when we did a few art activities including magic modeling clay, creating a banner for the orphanage and made gospel bracelets. We were all sweating in the 95 degree/100% humid room with no air conditioning. I plan to never complain about weather conditions or a hot office again. Next stop was at Isaiah's Orphanage, then Olson's and the Shalom House where we brought more food from Feed Our Starving Children. How good it is to serve the Lord. Thank you for your prayers. Teri

Thursday, September 19, 2013


 First here are a couple of shots from Day 3 at the Gertrude's Home for disabled children.  The kids were so sweet and really starved for affection.

Today was truly a day filled with contrasting cultures.  We began our day with a long drive out to Titanyen in the foot of the mountains.  Our first stop was at a newly established orphanage for Healing Haiti and Feed My Starving Children.  We played with the children and came back later to drop off some FMSC food. 

We then went to Grace Village.  What an amazing village up on top of one of the hills over looking the beautiful ocean.  The panorama was spectacular and the breeze was wonderful despite the hot day.  The puffy clouds glided across the blue sky with the backdrop of the blue/green ocean.  We took a tour and saw the new medical clinic, the school, the church which was under construction, the hydrophonic fish project and plants grown under green house conditions using nutrients and water from the fish.  It was really amazing.

We saw the contrast of cultures graphically displayed when we visited the elderly.  They were so sweet and it was such a joy to sit out with them and talk with them and rub lotion on them.  They are also such strong Christians that it was a joy to see them.  But the poor conditions that they are living in is shocking yet they still displayed a true joy in their heart for Jesus and being able to relate with other Christians.  The girls were probably the best in giving the rub downs and application of lotion.

We finished one more run to deliver (50) boxes of FMSC meals to the soccer field at night, in Cite Soleil (alright it was only on the edge).  Truly a great day and the shower and hair cut really felt good.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today was a typical day on mission.  LOL Our plans for the day were to visit the sick and dying children in the morning and then to go and visit the orphans with disabilities. Weeeelllll we were all dressed in Sunday clothes when we got the notice that there was Cholera at the hospital.  We changed clothes and loaded 30 boxes of FMSC food into our Top Top (team bus) and headed for Gertrude's orphanage for disabled children.
Mary and I were unsure of how this was going to go but after a few minutes we and the rest of the team really settled in as we heard the squeals of joy and saw the joy light up in their eyes.  We played with them until noon and headed back to the guest house to refresh and recuperate from the effects of the Caribbean sun.
We changed back into our Sunday best and waited for a call from the nursing staff.  We were told to wait.  After a couple of hour we got an all clear on the Cholera and were divided into 2 teams, the guys and Debbie to unload 250 boxes of food and a second team to hold the sick babies.  The loaders could change into their shorts and t-shirt (I didn't get the word) and the other team remained in church clothes.
Well when we got there the plans had changed again, the babies had all been moved out and we could not visit.  We did unload and load 250 boxes at the hospital while the church attired team helped.

I thought I was back in the academy with all the clothes changes but a very rewarding day filled with blessings just the same.  A very typical day on mission with many changes requiring flexibility.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Well today was Cite Soleil, one of the poorest ghetto's in the world.  Some of the other team members have alread posted their impressions and I pretty much echo those.  The one thing I wanted to share tonight before I went to bed were some of the visual highlights that stuck in my mind, and I am still processing.

The first was the water line, some of the crowd situations, the beach which is used as a toilet.  Then I have a picture of a young boy playing in the water with a little boat in the same water.  Finally I have some shots of Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals, similiar to the ones we packed, being served to the children.

Blessings beyond words!

We have had an incredible day of blessings here in Haiti!

Thanks so much for all your prayers (and good thoughts!) regarding the weather! We had clear skies today, bright and sunny, but with a nice steady breeze that kept us going :) What a blessing it was! Right now a thunder/lightening/rain storm is rolling through and is lots of fun to watch. Please pray for continued breezes :)

We all slept well last night in comfy beds and AC - what a blessing! We have a hearty breakfast and then headed out to Cite Soleil to help deliver 3 truck loads of clean water. There is no internal water system, well or sanitation in the slump, so this is the only fresh water they have access too. The water trucks come in 6 days a week. We were all impacted and moved by what we saw - the children, the women carrying bucket loads of water on their heads...the poverty...but also the smiles, the hugs, the hand-holding and the chance to "love on the kids" for a bit - some of whom are actually child slaves.

We were blessed by hope as well. We visited a soccer program for 220 boys and 80 girls that helps them stay in school, avoid gangs, have positive adult role models in their lives, and get a free meal after practice. Hope for the future reigns supreme in the midst of so much tragedy.

We are wrapping up for the night...I know it's early, but with the heat, humidity, the hard work and emotion of the day - we are all spent. Off to bed in prep for another full day tomorrow. In the AM we will visit a home for sick and dying children and bring food to them as well as hold/feed babies. In the afternoon, we will visit the pediatrics ward at the General Hospital and possibly participate in the wound clinic as well.

Thanks so much for all your prayers - every time I felt the breeze today, I thanked God for you! You are helping to keep us going, and for that I am sincerely grateful!

Love & Blessings to you-


Water Truck Day - first experience

This was our first experience in the field and we went to Cite Soleil.  We went with the water truck to fill it and take to the people in the Cite in three different locations.   Unbelievable how much water is coming from a spring in Haiti.  The truck pulls in and fills up and we are off  to our first stop.  People, children and buckets was all we could see.  We were about 45 minutes filling buckets, barrels, pots and holding children and looking into their beautiful eyes and hearts.  They have such a need for love and just hold on.  I lifted 5 gallon water buckets onto small girls heads and they were so grateful and off they go toward their shack or home.
I helped carry a 5 gallon bucket with a little girl way back into all kinds of alleys, unsure if she was ever going to stop.  But we did and a very grateful mother who walked me back out.  What a day full of love, work and sweat.   Love from Haiti

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day one/arrival and briefing of our daily activities

Today we arrived at Porte-Prince after a long red eye flight from LA.    As we were arriving at the  airport I looked out the window and observed how heavily populated Haiti seemed.    We  arrived, got our bags and came to  Grace Village.   This is the compound we will be staying at for the next 7 days.   Had a great meal and discussed with the group about our activities tomorrow.   We will be going to Cities Soleil , which is the poorest slum in Haiti.  We will be delivering water to the population there.  Lots of pictures will be taken and posted at a later date.  Please pray for safety and successful distribution of the water.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Commissioned team

We were commissioned today and the sermon "What Jesus Give to Believers" was so appropriate as we step out in faith to walk beside the people in Haiti.  We have assurance through Jesus to spread God's word with respect and love through his Grace and mercy.  Knowing God's truths in our lives, we will show His love...with gratitude, encouragement and respect.  He has and will continue to supply our needs and He will walk besides us with His strength.  We will be the "Salt" and the "Light" for the people of Haiti, leaving them thirsty for more.  Pray for our safety, comprehension of the gospel to spead and the knowledge to do His will.  Ephesians 2:8-10  Blessings!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


This week during a bible study we were studying about creation and how God created, and spoke all things into existence.  After God had created all things he created man and God said,
 “Genesis 1:27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them,
I began to wonder if and fact God had created ALL men and women in his image, why was there such a disparity in the way people live in Haiti, the poorest country in the world and the United States, with our many and great blessings.  I came to the conclusion that God uses men and women like us to be his hands and his feet to go to Haiti. 
We are to support the work that God is doing through organizations like Healing Haiti, and Feed My Starving Children FMSC already in Haiti.  I have realized that I am stepping “out of the boat” as Christ is calling us to “walk on the water,” as Peter was called to do.  I know that to swing his leg out of the pitching boat in the midst of a storm, to stand on the water, and to take that first step was the hardest part.  But Christ called Peter and he calls each of us in different ways to obedience of our Lord.

I am ready to take that step tomorrow night in faith and obedience to my Savior.  He is calling me to empty myself of all fears, preconceptions, and pride and to be filled with His Holy Spirit.  Please God help me to remove all obstacles that blur or obstruct your voice.